Troop Beverly Hills Flashback

April 15, 2011

Before there was Sex and the City and the Real Housewives there was Phyllis Nefler and her Troop Beverly Hills! "I may be a beginner at some things, but I've got a black belt in shopping!"  Classic if I must say so myself! If there was ever a movie that could make a girl want to be a Girl Scout, I mean a Wilderness Girl or have a slumber party it would have to be none other! In case you may have forgotten just how ah-mazing this movie truely is, I highly suggest moving it up in your nextflix queue NOW!  Phyllis Nefler is not one to conform easy which I am totally all about!  She is such a badass babe and respects the traditions of her new responsibility as troop leader,  but does things HER WAY.  She tweaks things to retain her uniqueness starting with the uniforms. I LOVE THEM but most all everything about her in this movie screams UNIQUE! 

this is obviously my fave! Look closely! 

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