Cool Hunting: Less is More...

March 16, 2011

You know how you always want what you either don’t or cant have... well not all of the time but, sometimes right? It just seems like those certain things are just sometimes out of reach... Well, I vividly remember when I was younger having friends that were getting their noses, eyebrows, tongues and belly buttons pierced and no matter how much I annoyed and begged my parents the inevitable answer I always was faced with was a big fat NO! (which today I am thankful for) But instead I went a little pierce happy with my ears, ok not a little, A LOT pierce happy… I pretty much pierced any part of my ear that was humanly possible, I know what you're thinking- a little tacky and maybe kinda gross huh? Well gone are the days where my ears are weighted down with a mess of random piercings, granted they still exist, I can only be found wearing 2 simple studs with my left side tragus. But I did recently come across a look I am totally diggin’ by line and jo and while less is more in my world of piercings these days I am thinking this is one look I am going to adopt! Luv it! Its a simple cartilage hoop linked up with a delicate gunmental chain through the lobe, it is simply stunning in my eyes (see pic directly under blog title)
I have also included a few extra random piercing photos! Enjoy

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