In the words of GQ "Be a Man: Wear Jewelry"
It’s time to give some credit to the GUYS! Gone are the days of women only embracing GEMS & JEWELS as men have largely come to accept and recognize jewelry a symbol of class and style. Once upon a time a woman’s territory, jewelry is no longer simply for the girls! & Jewelry designers have finally woken up to this fact!
Lets keep in mind the men’s jewelry has been a bit of a wildcard when it comes to whether or not it’s fashionable to wear. But lets not forget one era in particular with an exception to the RULE - THE 60s and 70s with its brigade of Original ROCK STARS who made history and will forever rock jewelry like no other era before!
Urban men, who like to appear trendy require 3 essential components when considering a piece of MENS Jewelry & designers have finally become privy to what it takes to make a great piece for the GUYS !
1. strength 2. durability and 3. ruggedness
Guys are just looking for something that is nearly indestructible and won’t lose its luster.
So the following are a few simple rules in which I believe a designer must consider:
Make it Durable: They need something that is STURDY that still looks good- MEN WORK so make it durable.
Make it Stylish: Durable doesn’t mean it’s something you should be wearing. So let’s be mindful and MAKE IT STYLEISH! Duh!
Keep it Simple: Noting busy and drag-y Men’s jewelry should have a sleek design.
The pic below is a No-no!
Make Sure You Like It: Try it on, look in a mirror. Make sure you’re going to wear it & wear it IN PUBLIC!
Here are some of my favs in men Rockin the Jewels!!!

This post is for my following peeps! LUV IT! ANNA (in the works on the stuff for MATT & You) BEN & SAM - Wine & Jewels ED (Peace & Love your black bracelet with SS Peace sign) JACK (my # 1 fan rockin the ring always) JASON, JUSTIN- Glad Erin Luvs the Earrings- RANDY, RYAN, ROBIN, SAMMY (post inspired!) TRISTAN (just because your so GQ hA!)
1 comment
I love this post!!!!!!