The Evil Eye the Lucky Eye... Jewelry to Believe In

September 27, 2010

Since this little charm is something that adorns my wrist day in and day out and is something I am always asked about or complimented for, I felt this topic very post worthy. The Evil Eye design is inspired by age old beliefs and superstition. Despite its name, for thousands of years the symbol of the ‘evil eye’ has been used to ward off negative energy. The Evil Eye is also knows as the Lucky Eye! If you believe in the power of this charm it is said to behold the authority to protect from the bad jealousy of eyes and to instead bestow upon us luck, health, success, happiness and love…  

(look closely on my left wrist... there it is the Evil Eye)
Originally these pendants were made from an amalgamation of molten glass, iron, copper, water and salt, which was a combination believed to shield the wearer from evil - particularly the vibrant blue color. 

According to tradition, when someone is praised, they run the risk of attracting the “evil eye” to whatever is being praised by arousing envy in others.
So how do we avoid a potential problem the next time someone tells us that they like our shoes (but perhaps they are actually really jealous that we have them and they don’t)?
Option 1: Say thanks and continue on with your day.
Option 2: Protect yourself against dishonest compliments by wearing a charm believed to guard against evil.
It is believed wearing an “evil eye” deflects this.
The charms are usually made out of blue glass with a stylized eye design and can come in many styles and sizes, including larger ones to hang in the home or office, smaller ones worn in the form of jewelry, and even tiny ones to pin on a child for protection. Everyone should have one or maybe more! Below are some of my favorites slash suggested selections you can start with! Enjoy!


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