Ok, so can we please talk about why it is that more and more often these days I find myself reading fashion and jewelry headlines about another “launch” of a celebrity’s jewelry line… Today’s latest,… 26-year-old socialite Nicki Hiltion heeds her calling & launches her jewelry line! It’s almost as if celebrities & their jewelry lines have gone as far as celebrities and stamping their names on ridiculous perfumes… I must admit I am a guilty buyer of a few of them nonetheless - It’s a bit unnerving to me!... but maybe its just me. I am totally aware that with $$$$ you can just about make anything happen, but coming from someone who is working so hard – and on her own to “launch” MY jewelry line, while maintain a totally separate full time job having nothing to do with my life of jewels !!! But I’m not going to scream…. Breathe… and lets take a moment to look over just of few of the Celebrity Jewelry Designers:

Maybe some day huh...
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