A few weeks ago while dropping by one of the local boutiques which I am currently working with re consignment, I had the opportunity to meet with a wonderful woman whom heads up a product placement company right here in Hollywood. We got to talking, she loved what I had to offer and decided it was right up the alley of her "Eco Chic" client list. We exchanged info and decided to touch base in the upcoming weeks. Well, those weeks have flown by, we spoke briefly yesterday and last night I received the INVITE pictured to the left!
The email that accompanied this invitation read:
You are invited to Sponsor and Showcase your brand in Cannes at the Lunchtime Luxury Event FOR PRIVATE SALES at the Style Villa 2010 May 20th 2010 11.00am - 2.00 pm Following their Showcase at the Better World Awards, May 19th StyleshopUSA are featuring their Luxury Brand Fashion Designers in a PREVIEW LUNCHEON to VIP Guests from Monaco & CELEBRITY STYLISTS FOR RED CARPET INVITATION ONLYWe are talking again tonight, have a meeting planned for tomorrow and if all goes as planned, my jewelry will be on its way to Festival de Cannes!
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