How Do You Arm Party!

July 21, 2011

I absolutely LOVE a good Paaarty! Cocktail Parties, Birthday Parties, Unbirthday Parties, Dinner Parties, Frat Parties (ha! ok maybe 5 years ago)! Nonetheless I think I have made my point! But really though, Aint no party like cra-cra Arm Party- cause the blingy Arm Party don’t stop!!! Yeeee! And yes, i have indeed talked about it before, you might remember from a past post, oh-how-i-stack-thee.  This party is an Arm Party Yo & if you haven’t already, join in because I don’t see this highly addictive look going anywhere any time soon! I would like to share with you a couple arm parties adorning my wrist the past couple of days and a few others in my life I’m crushing on as well! Enjoy! How do you Arm Party??

Kathy G always hosts an Arm Part that is not only unique, but nothing short of fabulous!

{An Arm Party of my Very-Own! Whoop Whoop}

{And another!}

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